Title: Christmas Invasion Author: reetinkerbell Request: Rose and Jack Harkness. Rose and Jack discuss the Doctor (can be #9 or #10) and his Christmas exploits. For rivertempest. Word Count: 100 Characters: Rose Tyler, Jack Harkness, Doctor #10.
Title: Returning Author: reetinkerbell Word Count: 100 Characters: The Doctor, Rose Tyler, Donna Noble, Jack Harkness. Spoilers: 4x12 - "The Stolen Earth"
Title: Journey's End Author: reetinkerbell Word Count: 200 Characters: The Doctor, Rose Tyler, Donna Noble, Jack Harkness. Spoilers: 4x12 - "The Stolen Earth"
Title: Release Author: reetinkerbell Challenge: Doctor Who Series One (New) - Captain Jack Harkness @ drabbling_who. Word Count: 100 Characters: Jack Harkness. Episode: 1x13 - "The Parting of the Ways"
Title: Loss Author: reetinkerbell Challenge: Doctor Who Series One (New) - Captain Jack Harkness @ drabbling_who. Word Count: 100 Characters: Jack Harkness. Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler. Episode: 1x12 - "Bad Wolf" - Set before they find out Rose is still alive.
Title: Near Author: reetinkerbell Challenge: Doctor Who Series One (New) - Captain Jack Harkness @ drabbling_who. Word Count: 100 Characters: Jack Harkness. Margaret Blaine (Slitheen), Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler. Episode: 1x11 - "Boomtown"
Title: Alone Author: reetinkerbell Challenge: Doctor Who Series One (New) - Captain Jack Harkness @ drabbling_who. Word Count: 100 Characters: Jack Harkness. Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler. Episode: 1x10 - "The Doctor Dances"
Title: Empty Author: reetinkerbell Challenge: Doctor Who Series One (New) - Captain Jack Harkness @ drabbling_who. Word Count: 100 Characters: Jack Harkness. Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler. Episode: 1x09 - "Empty Child"
Title: Compassion Author: reetinkerbell Challenge: Doctor Who Series One (New) - Captain Jack Harkness @ drabbling_who. Word Count: 100 Characters: Jack Harkness, Rose Tyler. Ninth Doctor, Pete Tyler. Episode: 1x08 - "Father's Day"